The dismal gloomy weather continued which was not good for photography. So I decided to return to Yarrow Valley Country Park to see if the kingfisher would once more brighten up yet another dull day. On this visit Brother D.J. came along for the ride and to try out his new camera. We hadn't been there long when the kingfisher showed. It entertained us and the passers by for a couple of hours or so with frequent visits for fish . There don't appear to be any other kingfishers about as they are early nesters and should be pairing up about now. There were other visitors to the nearby feeding station with a constant stream of nuthatches,long tailed , coal , great and blue tits and robins, blackbirds and a nice mistle thrush. We had enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon and we adjourned to a nearby garden centre for a welcome cup of coffee and a cake.