I was confined to barracks again making preparations for the New Year and clearing away the last of the snow and ice from the paths. After lunch I settled down with a coffee and was very surprised to glimpse a redwing. This was a bird I hadn't seen in my garden for a very long time and I hurriedly grabbed the camera and waited for the bird to reappear.
It did eventually show itself but was very shy and the very poor light didn't help matters. It was taking shelter from the fierce easterly winds behind a holly tree and was obviously interested in the few dozen berries remaining on the tree. It stayed around the garden for a good hour or so and I did manage one or two shots to record the event. It may return tomorrow when conditions may be better for photography and I will be waiting. If it doesn't this will be my last post of the year so I will take this opportunity to wish all my followers a very happy and healthy 2010.