More high tides this week and I returned to the coast at Southport to find the wader roosts again. The tides were not as high as on my previous visit and the large flocks of knot were very distant in the vicinity of Formby Point and were being harassed by a pair of peregrines which I could see sitting on the beach but too far away for a decent shot.
I spent my time close to the tide line following the groups of sanderling which were busy as only sanderlings can be in their quest for food. They really are one of the most engaging little shoreline waders and at times allowed a careful approach..mostly on my knees.. and I was able to obtain some nice close up action shots. Their sensitive bills are able to detect food items as they probe into the wet sand.One of the images above shows a sanderling with what looks like a row of small eggs which it had extracted from the sand.
It was an enjoyable experience and was well worth the wet and sand covered knees.Dunlin were also present and I have shown a couple of dunlin shots showing nice reflections on the wet sand and one adult bird almost seems to be admiring itself. More big tides are due in a couple of weeks when I hope to return for more close encounters with these delightful birds.