Monday 23 March 2020

Fish and Frogs

No not fish and chips but fish and frogs!! Recently I have visited again local nature reserves where previously I had encounters with great crested grebes and a great white egret.They were still both around and were quite active.The great white egret was enjoying a feast of frogs and as it was spawning time the egret was finding easy pickings in and amongst the lake vegetation.The grebes as ever in between sessions of sunbathing and preening were having success catching fish.Previously they had provided me with great images with pike they had caught.This time one of the grebes had a nice perch which was quickly dispatched before it's mate grabbed it.

I managed a few images of the action which are shown below.Currently the coronavirus is spreading at an alarming rate through the country and very soon I suspect that we could be in a lockdown situation similar to Italy and Spain and all movement may be suspended.I sincerely hope this isn't the case and I am able to get out and about to bring you more of Lancashire's wonderful wildlife.Thanks for looking in and stay safe and healthy.


  1. Great photos of special moments Brian.

  2. Wow! you have really captured some amazing photographs at the perfect time. I am also a wild life photographer and really knows the worth of these photographs as I go through the same struggle of travelling in wild life and waiting for perfect frame to capture a good photograph, these traveling and struggle sometime even restrict me from meeting all my commitments even my assignments and I have to avail the assignment assistance in London to get my assignments done on time.
